Utilized Cloudflare Workers for efficient backend operations
Implemented Prisma ORM with connection pooling for optimal database management
Used Zod library for input validation
Secured user authentication with JSON Web Tokens
Social Media App
Developed the backend for a social media app with comprehensive functionality.
Tech Stack: ExpressJS, MongoDB, JWT
Implemented RESTful APIs for user profiles, friend requests, and comment functionality
Utilized JSON Web Tokens for secure user authentication
Implemented password hashing for enhanced security
Currency Converter
A responsive React application for currency conversion.
Tech Stack: React, HTML, Tailwind CSS
Enabled users to interchange between different currencies
Utilized React hooks (useState, useEffect) for state management and API data fetching
Implemented a custom hook to handle API interactions
Designed an intuitive user interface using Tailwind CSS
Task Manager - Backend only
Developed a robust RESTful API backend for a task management system using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. The application
features secure user authentication using JWT, complete CRUD operations for tasks, and advanced filtering capabilities.
Key Features:
Implemented JWT-based authentication system with password hashing
Designed scalable data models with MongoDB for users and tasks
Built comprehensive task management features including filtering, sorting, and pagination
Integrated data validation and error handling middleware
Established user-task relationship with proper data access controls
Followed MVC architecture pattern for maintainable code structure
URL Shortener
Developed the backend for a URL shortening service with analytics tracking capabilities.
Developed a URL shortening service using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB
Implemented RESTful API endpoints for URL shortening and analytics tracking
Integrated input validation and CORS security measures
Created documentation and API specifications for developer usage
Tech stack: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB,REST API
Password Generator
A random Password Generator primarily made using React.